Friday, November 21, 2008
Divine Calculation
Until next time be blessed .........Keith
Divine Calculation
By Lois Spoon
Time was running out. I needed $153.27 by 2 p.m. and it was already 1:30. I was confident that God would meet my need for this amount when the time came, but this was cutting it awfully close.
I sat in my car outside a restaurant where I had just eaten lunch with several ladies from my church. When it came time to pay for the meal, I picked up the tab of a guest missionary from Romania, using my last $20.
God will provide my need, I said confidently to myself. But my certainty began to waver as the breeze blew through my car windows. No one else knew about my dilemma.
What should I do? Keys still clutched in my hand, I laid my head back against the headrest and thought of the verse in Matthew 17:27 that tells how Jesus' disciples needed money to pay their taxes. He told them to go out on the lake and the first fish they caught would have a coin in its mouth that would cover the amount they needed.
"Dear Lord," I prayed. "I need a fish soon. Please show me where to find the lake."
There was no doubt in my mind that God had provided the opportunity I'd been given to fly to Indianapolis, Indiana, with a physical therapist friend. We were to attend a workshop on "lymphodema" open only to doctors and physical therapists. I was neither.
But I suffered from this condition that caused tremendous swelling in my arm, a result of surgery for cancer. Because my physical therapist knew of the great interest I had in the subject, she arranged for me to attend with her. On top of that, every expense would be paid, except my plane fare of $153.27.
I eagerly accepted her invitation and started asking God to help provide the money for me to go. I knew from the start it would take a miracle because our budget was stretched as tight as it could go toward medical bills incurred fighting the cancer. But it wasn't hard for me to believe in miracles—I was living proof!
Since God had chosen to heal me of cancer, I reasoned, but this condition remained, there must be a reason. Maybe he wanted to use me to help find a cure for this problem, which affects millions of people. Before me was a rare opportunity to research and learn more about the condition from a medical point of view.
I was to meet my friend in a half hour at the travel agency to pay for and pick up my plane ticket.
A wrinkled, smudged envelope
I glanced in my rear-view mirror and saw a small black sports car back out, then pull back into its parking space. As I watched, it backed out again and I recognized the driver as Beverly Easton, a lady from my luncheon group.
I wondered if she was having car trouble when she slowly drove out of the parking lot, circled the restaurant, and pulled back in again. This time she stopped in the middle of the lot, got out, and walked toward my car. Maybe she thinks I'm having car trouble. Beverly stuck her head through my open passenger window.
"I know you don't know me very well and I hope you don't think I'm crazy," she said. "I'm so embarrassed. Please don't be offended by this."
My curiosity was stirred. "What's the matter, Beverly?"
"Well," she hesitated. "Several months ago God told me to put change in an envelope for you. I've just carried it around and been adding to it every day till I got the nerve to give it to you. I hope this isn't insulting."
Her face flamed red as she tossed a bulging envelope onto the car seat.
"I just have to obey God," she mumbled, darting to her car before I could respond.
Makeup smudges and ink smears covered the once white envelope. On the front, my name was scribbled in big letters and there was a card inside explaining that she wasn't sure why, but God had told her to give me this money. It was dated several months earlier. With tears in my eyes, I carefully emptied the contents out on the seat and started counting. There were bills of all denominations and lots of change.
The Bible says in Hebrews 13:8 that “God is the same yesterday, today, and forever”. If he provided his followers in Bible days with what they needed, he can and will do the same for his followers today. What an awesome God he is.
This time it wasn't a lake he used, but a lady named Beverly. And it wasn't a fish, but an envelope, one that contained exactly $153.27.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
My heart..........
In all of this busyness, though, I have heard God's voice speaking to me. It has been refreshing to hear the still small voice. Likewise, it has been refreshing to feel his presence so near. I enjoy those times when I know HE is right there with me. Those times bring such strength, hope, and fullness to my mind, soul, body and spirit.
Interesting enough is the fact that I believe God has laid something on my heart. Such is the title of this blog. My heart.............That I may know HIM. Nothing else matters, except that I know HIM. Christ, true giver of life, wants us to know him in the power of His Spirit. I want to know HIM. We get so caught up with church work, busyness of our lives, the extra things we do, and our laziness that often times we put our time with Jesus on the back burner. We save that time for another day. However, when that day comes, we don't spend it with him.
I have found that we are teaching this generation coming up that it is okay to put Christ second, third, fourth and even fifth in our lives. This mentality has resulted in dead churches, dead youth groups and dead church goers. Some would not know Jesus if He hit them in his face. Thus, many have failed in knowing Christ, personally.
That I may know him, it was Pual's cry. It has become mine. In years past I would be more concerned about how I looked as a christian, what appointment I wanted, what church I could go to, how good I preached, was I on the big stage; Thankfully those days are far removed. I could careless about them now. My main concern THAT I MAY KNOW HIM.
Hear my heart today..... If you don't know HIM, get too, it will change your life
Until next time .... Keith
Thursday, October 30, 2008
A prayer for Election!!!
Christians we MUST pray like never before for our country in these last days before the election. We must humble ourselves in prayer, and allow God to heal our land. I've heard so many people, who are ticked off at both and have decided not to vote for either. It's the old Ross Perot argument. You know, I see these individuals are coming from, but we must realize that either Obama or McCain will be our next president and taking that stance is giving this election over.
I belive between now and this election that something will shift and change. I belive that it is not is not best for this country for Obama to be president. I belive that whatever this thing happens that shifts the tides will be so obvious that the Obama camp will not be able to come back from it. I'm believing the election won't be as close as everyone thinks.
PRAY, people like your country depends on it. PRAY that God's will would come forth in this nation. Pray for strength and health on McCain and Palin. Pray, because the future of this nation and the nation that you're children rests in this election. Pray that the decpetion that's been pulled over so many's eyes would be revelaed. For we declare that the eyes of the people would be opened.
Christians we must humble ourselves and pray.
Stephen J. Henry
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Just thinking out loud
The election is close. We need God's intervention in this election. Only a week and half before the election. We must see God move and I believe we will. Keep praying. God is listening.
We have already voted and it was a surprise. An Obama surpporter came to us offering democrate canidates choice. When we refused, politely with a "no thank you," he mumbled to the others there "more white racists." Now what little bit of hair I had stood up. We are not racist. Far from it. I have no problem voting for anyone of color or another ethnic group. However, I will not vote for a presidential canidiate who has the values of a snake. Obama has such a shady past and he will bring that into white house.
It is important McCain wins. I pray he does. Sarah Palin would be a the biggest blessing to be in the White House.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
A great link.........
Until next time....Keith
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Made Me Glad
Until next time....Keith
Thursday, October 9, 2008
A video from Nation of Islam calling Obama - Messiah
What else can we do..........
The devil is mad as he can be. You have a muslim, and I really believe Obama is, and a pentecostal in Gov Palin running for offices. Though one is on the top of the ticket the other the bottom on opposite sides. As I have stated in earlier blogs, this is not just a match up electoral proportions. This is a spiritual war going on for the soul of a nation. Believe it or not your vote and prayers will make the differenct. We cannot afford to stand on the sidelines. Nor can we give up. We must fight. The book of Nehemiah states in chapter 4:14 that we are to "Fight for our wives, sons, daughters and homes." WE CANNOT STOP FIGHTING.
Our greatest weapon right now is a three-fold attack. Prayer, fasting and voting. Again, we must reach heaven. This is for the soul of this nation. Never has an American election been so important.
I do understand this, God is still God. No matter how it turns out God is still in control. In my spirit, I feel we must fight and win this.
Will you join me in praying for this.
Father we pray right now for this Election on Nov.4, 2008. We need your help. We confess that we have allowed our nation to slip into the hands of the enemy. We repent of this. We repent of the sins of our nation, abortion, laziness, greed, and all that we have done. We have sinned as a nation against You and we repent. God please have mercy on us.
Lord we come before you, humbling, submitting to your divine and perfect will. God draws as a nation back into your presence. Send us revival another great awakening. Come Holy Spirit and touch us again.
We know this election is critical and we need revival. Anoint this election, oh Lord, with your very hand. We pray for this election that you will put who you want into this office. God we are asking you to do it. Do not let this voter fraud or other fraudlent gimmicks work. We bind the hand the enemy in this election and release the hand of God to work. It is in your hands Lord and we believe you will work a miracle. Our country needs revival and we seek your face. We turn from our evil ways and we seek your face. Heal our land, In Jesus name. Amen
Until next time....Keith
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
This election is SCARY
I am telling you this election is scary. Obama is convincing people he is "The One."
If you do not believe me, just watch this.
If Obama is elected you can start looking to the skies, cause Jesus will be returning.
Until next time............Keith
Monday, September 29, 2008
A Call to Prayer
Last night I was up until 6:30am praying. It was one of those nights where everytime I tried to lay down the Lord would keep me awake with the unction to pray. Prayer is the key to so many things in our walk with Christ. It was a joy to pray.
This Call to Prayer that I felt last night puzzled me. I called out names, our country, and other situations I know of. As you well know I am definetly praying for this election. It is a critical election year.
Prayer can change things and situation. Prayer also changes us. So we pray. We keep praying. We pray until we can see the answer. Prayer must be central once again. I felt this call yesterday as our preacher preached. Then last night I could not sleep, praying.
So I call you to pray with me. Pray for this election. The economy. Souls. Anything you feel led to pray. But whatever you do pray. God is listening. We need to pray. The world is plummeting in a dire state and we need to pray.
Until next time....Keith
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
More thoughts on this election
It seems the tides are turning toward Obama. Yet, here we are at a crucial point in this election and dealing with the economy. Obama does not want to put politics aside and wants to debate. McCain however, suspends his campaign and goes to work on a plan to resolve this crisis.
My thoughts...we need leadership. McCain is showing it. Obama just talks. However, people listen to the rehtoric of Obama and keep singing his praises. I am not saying that Obama is the anti-christ, though, he could be, but the anti-christ will woo people with words and draw them in. Deception. And I believe that is what Obama's camp is about, deception. We are in a critical moment and satan is using one of his greatest devices, decption.
More people fall prey to it than ever. Decieved on every corner. Could it be that the enemy is trying to decieve good hearted people? I submit yes. Is McCain the answer, NO. Is Obama the answer, NO! Neither is Palin or Biden. Jesus Christ and all of His glory is the answer. We must return to him so that we are not decieved.
This election is critical as I said in anothe blog. The answer, Jesus Christ. We must have him. We must return to him with all of our heart.
Until next time.... Keith
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Some thoughts......
The Bible says in 1 John 4 that God is love. He truly does love us with. More so than what we can think. God's love pours over us in so many ways. I thank God for his love. I thank Him that I can live in that love and my life is centered around His love for me. His love is not fearful but peaceful.
Love can change many things and people. It definetly changed me. For that, I am eternally grateful for the Love of God, that was displayed on a cross in Calvary. Love is amazing.
Until next time.........Keith
Thursday, September 18, 2008
The Race Is On
First, we have a potential president who has studied in Islamic schools. Then we have a potential vice president who was raised in a pentecostal denomination. It is interesting to me that this is very real in this election. Several months ago, before Barack Obama was the nominated for the Democratice ticket and way before we knew Gov. Sarah Palin would be on the Republican ticket I made a comment at my church. That comment was this "Islam is growing rapidly, pentecostalism is growing rapidly and we are headed for a collision..." Little did I know that it would take place in this presidential election. I submit to you that this is no accident. Heaven knew. This is more than an election it is down right spiritual warfare. Christians need to pray for God's will to be done. I am not telling you who to vote for, that is a God given constitutional right that you have. Neither am I saying that Barack Obama or Sarah Palin are practicing either of their faiths. That I truly don't know. However, I am laying out the facts of their childhood and teenage years. We are in a spiritual war.
Secondly, this election I believe is significant to the end times. Is Jesus coming back? YES!!! A thousand times yes. Might as well get ready. How is this election signifcant to this great and glorious event? Well the Bible clearly states in the last days there will be rumors of wars, famimines, pestilence, earthquakes, perscutions, many anti-christs and so on. We are seeing all of these right now. I do not want to brand any political figure, but at the same time I do want to pose a question; could Barack Obama be the fore-runner of/or the Anti-Christ of Revelations. Please hear me out. The man thinks of himself as a God. Did you see his speech at the Democratic convention? And the backdrop? It was something out of Greek Mythology. It has been called the "chosen-one," and "anointed one." I am telling you this election is critical if nothing else for this reason. We are in a spiritual battle that is pressing.
Thirdly, not only is this about the above, but I believe it poses a great Awakening for America. We must return to God. Could it be that all this transpiring to get people back on their knees, in prayer. We have drifted far away from God and the nation that our founding fathers desired. It is critical that we return to God. The Bible teaches us this "If my people which are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face, then will I hear from heaven and heal their land." This is a humbling moment and we must pray and seek God. That is the only way he will hear us. We must have revival in this country.
I submit to you tonight, this election is more than just politics. It more than the regular rapport that we see every four years. This is elections for the soul of a nation. Will you fight? Will you pray? Will you awake to what God has for you?
Until next time.....Keith
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
I wonder how often people really relax. Tensions are high in most people's lives and they rarely truly relax. I can tell by just talking to some fo them. Everything is chaos for some. Somehow, in my spirit I just hear that we should "relax."
You see when you relax you really can hear from God. There is no pressure. It us who puts pressure on ourselves not God. With Him it is either yes or no. There is not usually a debate. We are the ones that war with what shall we do, or how can I handle this and so on. God wants us to relax. Enjoy life. Not everything has to be done at ligthening or microwaving speed. God likes to marinate things. Relax.
Until next time.... Keith
Saturday, September 6, 2008
The Spiritual Battle Ahead....
However, the reason for this blog tonight though, is simply, there is a spiritual battle brewing for the very soul of this nation. We all know this already. America is in decline, morally, spiritually, finanically and politically. The truth is, we have been for years. With the upcoming presidential elections though I can feel the battle brewing. How it will turn out? That is a good question.
We have, for the first time ever, a woman on the presidential ticket of the Republicans. Also, for the first time, a black man on the democratic ticket. Both are historic. Governor Palin, of Alaska, has associations and a upbringing in a pentecostal denomination. Senator Barak Hussein Obama has associations with mulsims. Could this be a clash of spiritual war, more so than a clash of political parties? In a sense, I believe so.
America is in need of a great revival. Desperately in need one. The enemy has come in an, well taken over. Many in the church are spiritually asleep. We must have an awakening of the Spirit of God. I believe we are on the threshold of either a great revival or great misery. Our prayers and fasting will make the difference. In this presidential election, I believe, that we could see a turning of the tide if we pray and fast. This is not just politics as usual. The soul of a nation is at stake. We must fight. The battle is brewing.
I beg you to pray and fast for God to move in this election. Though some think it will work out, I am one to believe that if we do nothing, then it will not work out. We must rise to the occasion and pray for revival in this country. I believe it starts with this election.
Until next time.... Keith
Thursday, September 4, 2008
All in a days work!
- My dad came up on vacation to see me. It was great. I haven't seen him since we left Georgia and it was great visit. We played some golf, did shopping at golf stores and talked about golf. As you can tell, my dad likes golf.
- Church was great on Sunday morning and Sunday night. We are grateful how God is moving in the lives of people. God is so faithful and if you are hungry he will come.
- Labor day cookout was great! We had around 45 people. Played some flag football and ate a whole lot.
- Republican National Convention is going on and boy what a speech Palin gave last night. It was incredible. I sure pray they win.
Until next time.......Keith
Thursday, August 28, 2008
I get excited about football. It is a great stress relief. So I am looking forward to this season. It could not get here quick enough
Until next time..........Keith
Monday, August 25, 2008
Boy am I tired!!!!!
Our Back to School Bash was this past weekend, ending last night with our anointing service for the kids this year. God ministered through a detective/captain in the law enforcement. God is so faithful to use us. Captain Rob Taylor shared how the internet is wonderful yet a dangerous place. He told of specific stories that I think are just heart wrenching, yet thought provoking of how predators are lurking for our children.
With that said, it leads me to this thought. The enemy is after us and he is lurking around to get us. Like a lion he is hiding in the bushes where we cannot see him always. There he waits for his opportunity to pounce on us. At times tearing us to shreads. With all of that going on I still believe God is still a protecting God and angels are encamped around us. There is no fear in God. Fear is cast out by perfect love. Though the enemy does attack God is greater. God is so great that our minds cannot even comprehend him as one of our concert players said yesterday (Zach Kelly). What a powerful thought, the enemy lurks, God stands in the light. God is never caught off guard by the enemy. God is always prepared and there is nothing you go through that God cannot handle.
May this resinate in your heart. The enemy is out there seeking whom he may devour, but God stands between us and the enemy through his son Jesus. For that, I give God all the glory
Until next time.... Keith
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Home at last
We got home to minister to some of our kids, who lost their grandfather to death. The funeral was today and again it brought out friends. Last night at the memorial viewing there were many there and they were called friends.
I think about all of this. My friendships keep me in COGOP. Though I often disagree with a lot, it is my friendships that keep me in this denomation. I love them and they love me. Friends are friends forever as Micheal W. Smith would sing.
I am also reminded of a friend that is closer than a brother. Jesus! The one true friend who never leaves or forsakes. His friendship is priceless yet worth everything.
Until next time................Keith
Friday, August 15, 2008
Assembly 08'
Looking forward to what God has for us today.
Until later Keith
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Ramblings and Blogging the Assembly 08'
We drove in for the International Assembly in Nashville TN. Thank God for his grace. We are enjoying our time. The worhsip was good last night and we have enjoyed our day of shopping today. Getting ready to go into service tonight now.
I will update as things transpire. I pray for a great service tonight and to see alot of friends as they come in.
Until next time.........Keith
Friday, August 8, 2008
Final Update on Revival and the Spirit of Revival
I have been wore out and busy so I am just now getting to my last update. We ended up with the following results that we can account for and I am sure many more heaven accounts for.
- 7 Saved
- 4 Sanctified
- 5 Holy Ghost baptized
- 1 healed
- 3 called to preach
- Many more renewings and people being revived.
God moved every service in a powerful way. It was so amazing. Wednesday night we did not get out of church until after 11. People were hungry for a move of God. I thank God for the opportuntity to be part of such a powerful revival. I praise God for every experience we had and the ones we don't even know about. We prayed for 15 experiences and we got them. God is faithful.
With all of that said, I don't believe the revival is over. The spirit of revival will continue. To much happen for it not too. It will only be maintained by prayer. It was birthed in prayer and it must be sustained in prayer. I look forward to Sunday services as I know God will move.
Until next time.......Keith
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Update on Revival
Just wanted to give a quick update on what God is doing.
Until next time.....Keith
Monday, August 4, 2008
Revival at Rockingham
Last night, we preached on "How Long?" It was very tough, it seemed we were battling demons every where. I know God ministered as it seemed the service would not end. I felt drained afterwards and just simply came home. Was very tired.
I know God has plans for this revival and want to see God move in a mighty way. So for those of you who read this blog, please pray for a move of God. We must have it. This generation must have it. If ever more there is a generation that needs to know the power of God it is this one.
Until the next time..........Keith
Friday, August 1, 2008
A week of prayer..........
We have prayed over youth, our church, community, city, county, state and nation. This little band of prayer warriors have gather this week to anoint and cry out for a mighty revival. God has heard our cry. How do we know this? The devil is upset and he is working trying to distract people from knowing God during this revival.
Our greatest privelege has been to call on God to answer us to move in this revival. There have been times that the intensity of the prayers have been beyond our level of understanding. Yet God has been there. What a great honor it is to pray.
I thank God for this opportunity to seek his face.
I will be blogging the revival starting Sunday. Pray with us for a mighty move of God
Until next time....Keith
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Desperate Desire........
I have this youth revival coming up next week. Unexpected and just happen, and I believe God has set us up to know him more that week. God is calling me close to him and I know that God is up to something. Getting closer to God comes with a price. I believe God is calling for a deeper commimment and that means some other stuff has to go. So whatever it takes to know him, I hope that my heart wants to do it. I pray so..........
Until next time..........Keith
Monday, July 21, 2008
A summer full of ministry
This summer I have seen teenagers saved, sanctified and baptized with the Spirit. Some have been delivered, some have been loved like never before and others have been completely changed. It has been amazing. God is so amazing and I love seeing teenagers changed. However, right now it seems God is up to something. In the midst of all of this ministry and all of these sermons and that is upon me to do, God is speaking.
Last night we had our monthly youth service. We sang 'slow' songs, though good it just was slow. However some how it just fit. Our youth, the ones who came, did a drama to the song the Potter's Hand. Then I preached to our teens. Same ole Same ole, right? Wrong, in the midst of all of this God was moving. From the worship to the drama, to the sermon. God spoke and ministered. What I thought was going to be "boring" turned out to be powerful.
So summer is busy. Well after last night it got even buiser. Our pastor came to me crying and said "you have to do this revival the first of August". "You have too, the Lord has spoken to me" he said. My first response is there is not time. The assembly is around the corner, I have got a huge Back to School Bash Weekend Planned, and a football game. There is no time, but when I open my mouth out came yes. Cause I knew God was in it. I expect it to be one of the most powerful weeks of revival ever in the ministry that God has entrusted me with. Our pastor called our whole church to fast for this revival. I know God is going to move.
So I have said all of that to say this....I know you hate it when people say that.... God is moving and your plans may not line up with his plans. However, if you will be available to him, as a vessel, He will use you at any given moment. Even when you don't think you have the time. I can't wait to see what God is going to do.
Until next time...........Keith
Monday, July 14, 2008
Camp, Church and Company
Senior Camp 2008 was absolutely incredible. God moved in a mighty way. It was strange for me as it was very hard to preach to this crew. So I mixed it up some. Used video and illustrations. God moved in it. As I watched God moved and ministered through the staff to the campers it moved me to tears. One night we had the dads and moms come up and allowed the campers to hug them. Those campers were the one who needed to feel a Godly love from a mom and dad. It was incredible. Thursday night was powerful as we spoke into these young people life. Friday night, despite all the devil tried to do, God prevailed and moved in a mighty way. I thank God to be part of it.
We had such a powerful service yesterday morning. God walked into our building. As the choir sang "Let my life Praise You, " the Spirit came. It was wonderful to experience the presence of God. He comes so close. Last night we had our groundbreaking for our new Family Life Center. What a tremendous achievement this is for our local church.
Do you enjoy having company? I would say for the most part we all do. I certainly do. There are times though they stay over their welcome. I liken this to sin. Most of us enjoy it, but it will always stay over it is welcome. You just have to push it out the door. You also have make sure it does not come back. If you don't it will be there the rest of your life.
Until next time..........Keith
Saturday, July 5, 2008
4th of July
Fireworks display in Hamlet was great. People were everywhere. What a pleasure that was. It made me think. Sometimes we get so excited about the fireworks of christianity yet when they have busted it is gone. A lot of noise but no substance. Looks good, but does not last.
Many christians are like that. They get excited but then lose out when the fireworks do not last. Independance day in the Spirit realm can be lasting. If you build your faith you can last past the fireworks.
Until next time.........Keith
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Church services today
I enjoy my church family and friends. The longer we are here the more I love them. They have been great. I am praying God's blessings on their lives.
Well next week seems to be a busy week and it has already got started. God will give us grace to accomplish everything I need too. God has a great plan for all of us. I want to fulfill my destiny in Christ.
Until next time...........Keith
Saturday, June 28, 2008
CAMP and more CAMP
In the staff service on Sunday night we had a tremendous time as we dedicated ourselves to God for this week. God moved in a mighty way. We prayed a prayer that God would start on Monday night and it would not let up. God not only answered our prayer he out done himself. God is so amazing. Monday through Friday were powerful services. Unique and powerful. Worship lead by my new found friend Adam Herrod was incredible. (If I ever start a church I will hire you in a heart beat). It is amazing to see young people worship the way they did. Running, dancing, singing, miming, rejoicing, and loving. They did it all with a pure heart. God is so faithful.
Friday night we anointed them to be a mighty generation. A generation of warriors. We broke a backsliding, divorcing, and a fearful spirit over them. We released them in anointing and power to preach, teach, pastor, prophesy, heal, deliver and change their world. GOD IS GOING TO DO IT THROUGH THEM.
What a week....words are insufficient to tell all God did.
Until next time... Keith
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Just some thoughts...
God's grace is so sufficient and I learn that everyday. His grace is just perfect though. I have seen his grace in the face of campers that we have picked up from camp this year. Their smiles and joy shows. It can only come from Jesus.
So it brings me back to several questions I have asked. What are we doing to really change the life of a teenager? It takes more than just planning a service. It takes a relationship with them. Most adults run from those. Don't run from it, run to it. The life of a teen could very well be in your hand
Until next time.......... Keith
Monday, June 16, 2008
Been a few days
What are we really missing? It seems of late, that often times we just miss something in our walk with Christ. I am not sure when it actually happens but it does. Seems there are dry spells so to speak. I am sure I am not the only one to have these times of "Where are you at God?" moments. This one just seems to come at the wrong time.
It is camp season and well I am involved in camp. Dean next week, evangelist the week after that. So now is a time I really need to be filled up. However, shouldn't I always be filled. God wants me too. However at the same time, how can God fill something that is already filled.
We all have to empty out ourselves and then be refilled. God will pour into you all that you need when you need it. You have what you need when you need it. Right now I need him and He is there. I guess being empty is not always bad when you know you are going to be filled with His presence.
I keep searching, praying, seeking, knocking, looking and I know i will find Him
Until next time..... Keith
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Some thoughts........
I am busy getting ready for camp and all the summer stuff. It has been busy and will get even more so. I am excited about what God is doing. Many of us miss out on what God is doing. I, however, do not want to miss what our God is doing. Everyday I pray for more of Him. Let me lose myself and let me be found in Him. It is my honest heart desire.
This Sunday is the monthly youth service. I am praying for a move of God. Please help me pray for God to move in a mighty way.
Until next time...........Keith
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Weekend Thoughts
The services today were very good. Lynda and I lead worship tonight. It always a great honor to lead people into presence of God. What a great privelege it is to go into the presence God. God is so faithful to allow us to come into his presence and worship him.
Which brings me to the point for tonight........Why do we sing songs of victory and then turn around and sing songs that are depressing? Victory in Jesus is a powerful and moving song, yet most christians live far beneath it. However, we will get excited about singing stuff that is depressing. I know we serve a powerful God and we should live like He is powerful. Our God is faithful and true. So we need to rejoice and live in joy. I enjoy the presence of God. I know there are times we are going to have problems. Regardless of our situations we should rejoice. God is good. Choose joy. You will never regret it.
until next time..........Keith
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Random Thoughts
It has been a full week and a full weekend coming up. Youth Service tonight was great. I taught on carrying baggage around. Loaded up the kids with suitcases and taught how we carry this stuff around and it will destroy them. It was a good lesson.
This weekend I will take my senior graduates to Atlanta to a Braves game and the Georgia Aquarium. We should have a great time. Looking forward to getting away myself.
This week also saw some tragic events. A 15 year old boy died. Not exactly sure how, many speculations, but none the less he is dead. At 15 years old and he is dead. It brings me back to an earlier blog, what am I really doing to reach these kids? I want to win them to the Lord. Impact their lives and help them realize their potential. God give me the grace and anointing to do it.
Until next time ...........Keith
Sunday, June 1, 2008
To worship God in EVERYTHING
Coming home from Family Fest 2008 yesterday I was driving the big bus. Since it is just the drivers seat up front no one was around me. It was a good time to pray and think. In it that time I was grateful to dwell on the presence of God, the joy of the Lord and to pray for several request. My thoughts drifted to the fact that many fail to worship God all the time. The Bible teaches us to worship God at all times and that everything we do let us do it for the Glory of God.
So, with that being said as we were playing yesterday in the volleyball tourney and softball tourney I am glad we could give God the glory. When we are washing dishes and clothes and doing all the house work, I am glad to give God the glory. In times of preparing my classes, my studies, and on my job I am glad to give God the glory. In everything I do I want to praise God. I love the 150th Psalm that says "Everything that has breathe praise the Lord." I never want to cease from Praising God.
Until next time ................Keith
Thursday, May 29, 2008
When God is there............
- Life Happens - John 10:10b
- Healing takes place - 2 Peter 2:24
- Love happens - Jer 31:3
- Peace happens - Phil 4
- Joy happens - Neh 8:10, Psalms 16:11
I enjoy the presence of God. I enjoy being engulfed in His presence. As David Baroni wrote several years ago "I Delight in You Lord, I Delight in Your Presence, There's nothing as sweet as to sit at your feet, nothing that I rather do, than delight myself in you"
What a powerful song.... Delight yourself in God today
Until next time.... Keith
Monday, May 26, 2008
A Buncha Blogging
The revival at Ghio COGOP ended very good. God blessed every night. On the last night, my youth group was able to go and do a drama to I CAN ONLY IMAGINE by Mercy Me. As always they did a tremendous job. I am very proud of this group.
Thursday was a RUFF, as they would say in South Ga., day. Seemed all day long something was going wrong. The enemy sure was not letting up. However, as days do, they come and go and Thursday did go away. When there are days like that, I am grateful for God's amazing grace. His grace is sufficent and though the stress sometimes is very agonizing, I can go to the ROCK that is higher than I. God is a faithful.
The weekend has been good. Ending today with Memorial day. Services were good on Sunday. We were each blessed as we entered the presence of God to worship HIM. Tonight we had a cookout at the house plus some Flag Football and it was good. I caught 5 touchdowns by the way. Well attended with almost 40 I believe of youth and young adults. I am amazed at how well this group of young people are coming together. God is doing a tremendous work.
I enjoy doing devotions and leaving people with thoughts to think about Christ. Tonight I want to end this daily blog (which I hope to get back to doing) with this thought. Are you where you want to be in Christ? If not, who's fault is it? Something the Lord is teaching me is that HE is always willing and ready to come closer to us. However, we seldom make the effort to come closer to Him. Our lives are busy and we struggle just to manage the schedule. Even in ministry, I find, that it is very difficult to keep a routine of daily time with God. Thank God HE is bringing me back to that. Over the last few weeks God has had me awake early to seek Him. I appreciate HIS prompting, and I am learning this is my time with him. Larnell Harris, use to sing a song called "I Miss My Time With You." God reminded me of that. How often do we neglect our time with God? Probably alot. I hope that God takes you on a journey that is IN HIM and leads to HIM.
Until Tomorrow.... Keith
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Second night of Revival
The New Beginnings youth group did a worship and dance and it was powerful they put there whole heart in it. I am grateful for what God has done this week during this revival.
God is so faithful. I believe that if we stay faithful toward him He will bless us. God has never let me down and I know he will be faithful until the end.
Until tomorrow... Keith
Monday, May 19, 2008
Revival at Ghio
After ministering tonight I began to wonder, as I done a lot lately, are we too settled in our ways to allow God freedom to minister? Decades of being taught the samething and never allowed to think for ourselves and allow God to speak to us has caused generational curses. Some want there church to servive but will not allow to be done God' way. We are in trouble if we do not open our hearts and minds to the Spirit of God. Youth are at stake. I honestly believe that most churches are out of date with our culture. Many youth are slipping through the cracks and we are in a desperate situation within the American church.
We must continue to minister none the less in hopes that the decades of bondage will soon be erased.
Until tomorrow..... Keith
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Sunday Services
Tomorrow night we start a revival at the Ghio COGOP. I have never been to this church preached there, so I will keep you all updated.
I pray that God is speaking to your heart and you are listening
Until tomorrow..... Keith
Saturday, May 17, 2008
One more busy week....
We are busy working, going to ballgames, ministering on Wednesday, during the week if needed, and a whole host of other stuff. However, what are we really doing. It is a thought I continue to ponder.
Friday night we parcitpated in our first Relay For Life event. Our church hosted a team of 70 and it was a tremendous night. The winds were high and it was a little chilly. We had a blast. I would estimate there were at least 4000 people there at the height of the evening. Watch touched me the most was the survivors walk. On the track was a little boy who was less than 2 years old. He had no hair and looked very tired. With all that he had his Survivor shirt on. It moved me to tears. God has such great plans for him. Our team did homemade ice cream which was very good to the stomach. I throughly enjoyed the fellowship.
Back to my orignial start, as I was sitting around the track I watched hundreds of youth go by me. Some with their punk rock thug wanna be style, others with shorts so tight I wondered how they got circulation. Still others were on cells chatting. A few arguing with parents on why they should be able to do whatever they want. And my mind wondered. What are we doing to save these young people? Richmond county, Rockingham and the surrounding area is full of youth dying and going to hell. What are we really doing to see them be touched by God's grace?
Then I asked myself "What are you doing Keith?" I occupy an office, hold a position, even hold a license to preach yet that is not going to mean a hillabeans when I reach heaven. Today is the day I must impact someone. Some youth somewhere needs me to minister the love of Jesus to them. I want to be available to Hear God's Voice so that I can...... do you?
Until tomorrow ........... Keith
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
God's grace
However, God's grace has been sufficent as it always is. I love God with all my heart. His grace is so amazing to me. God can keep us strengthen with a word, a prayer and breath of fresh air. His grace comes when we need it(boy do I need a lot of it). What would we ever do without God's grace.
I guess this come from my Youth service tonight. I asked the kids to write down a question they would ask Jesus. Then they had to write down a question they would ask satan. The questions were interesting and the responses were very interesting. In all of it, God's grace is amazing.
I pray you are being blessed.....
Until tomorrow ..... Keith
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Blogging tonight
I have been very busy, which is good. Tonight I have been looking at pictures from the tornado's in my home state of Georgia. It seems that tornado's have been in abundance this year. I have prayed that God would spare us. His mercy is very powerful.
Today was mother's day and I am missing my grandmother Burch. Her birthday is the 12th. She was such a Godly woman, a prayer warrior and a tremendous inspriation to me and others. She is missed but I am sure she has got her groove going on with Jesus in heaven.
So tonight it is late and I can't sleep. Been up thinking and praying. God is so faithful and I trust him with all my heart. Even when we fail God is there. I praise God for that. That no matter what we go through, in life, God is there.
Until next time......
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Busy, Busy, and more Busy
Something dawned on me over the weekend. I have notice how teens do alot of what they learn in church. If we do not worhsip, they will not worship. If we worship then, maybe, they will worship. The way we respond will be the way they respond.
People are watching our every move. Especially teenagers, they love to watch. They will also follow our steps. We must get to a point that we respond to God again.
Until another day....
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Hetic Week.........
I am enjoying all that God is doing. Tomorrow is the national day of prayer and I am grateful that opportunity to pray with our countrymen. However, everyday should a day of prayer. So tomorrow, I will be at the courthouse, praying with other like minded people.
Friday I am heading out to Wilmington for Fun in the Son. Should be fun. Hetic, hetic and more hetic. That is part of ministry and especially in youth ministry. God is faithful and I am grateful for what He is doing.
Until tomorrow...................
Thursday, April 24, 2008
More thoughts...........
To bless is really to be blessed. I enjoy doing it. I find giving and blessing to be a true blessing to all people and to myself.
Be blessed today.........
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
It also left me thinking and praying a whole lot. Often times I wonder how many of us are where we need to be with God. Despite our participation in church functions. After preaching and praying Sunday night over people, I really began to feel that God wants more than LIP service, He wants our whole heart. How often do people just play church?
I have been in full time ministry of some sort for a number or years. Honestly, I can say, that I have seen people play church for years. Probably have done it myself. However, lately, all that matters to me is not a big ministry, great preaching, or any other thing of the sort, but to have a pure heart before God. My pastor, said something very similiar several weeks ago and it has resounded in my ears.
Church is great, but most just attend and leave Christ there. I can't do that. I am not perfect by any means. My share of faults are many, but one thing I never want to have is a dirty heart before God where all I do is play church. I want to have a pure heart before God. Matt 5:8
Until tomorrow -