Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Spiritual Battle Ahead....

I have been thinking alot lately about spiritual battle that we are all involved in. Everyone is involved in spiritual warfare whether we like it or not. Some are engaged and in the heat of the battle, and there are others who are disengaged. The fact remains that it is real.

However, the reason for this blog tonight though, is simply, there is a spiritual battle brewing for the very soul of this nation. We all know this already. America is in decline, morally, spiritually, finanically and politically. The truth is, we have been for years. With the upcoming presidential elections though I can feel the battle brewing. How it will turn out? That is a good question.

We have, for the first time ever, a woman on the presidential ticket of the Republicans. Also, for the first time, a black man on the democratic ticket. Both are historic. Governor Palin, of Alaska, has associations and a upbringing in a pentecostal denomination. Senator Barak Hussein Obama has associations with mulsims. Could this be a clash of spiritual war, more so than a clash of political parties? In a sense, I believe so.

America is in need of a great revival. Desperately in need one. The enemy has come in an, well taken over. Many in the church are spiritually asleep. We must have an awakening of the Spirit of God. I believe we are on the threshold of either a great revival or great misery. Our prayers and fasting will make the difference. In this presidential election, I believe, that we could see a turning of the tide if we pray and fast. This is not just politics as usual. The soul of a nation is at stake. We must fight. The battle is brewing.

I beg you to pray and fast for God to move in this election. Though some think it will work out, I am one to believe that if we do nothing, then it will not work out. We must rise to the occasion and pray for revival in this country. I believe it starts with this election.

Until next time.... Keith

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