Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Race Is On

The race is on. The race for the White House that is. It is an incredible time, of history, as we will elect either our first black president or first female vice president. I can say it is about time. However, there are many variables in this election. Some I would like to discuss here and more on the spiritual side.

First, we have a potential president who has studied in Islamic schools. Then we have a potential vice president who was raised in a pentecostal denomination. It is interesting to me that this is very real in this election. Several months ago, before Barack Obama was the nominated for the Democratice ticket and way before we knew Gov. Sarah Palin would be on the Republican ticket I made a comment at my church. That comment was this "Islam is growing rapidly, pentecostalism is growing rapidly and we are headed for a collision..." Little did I know that it would take place in this presidential election. I submit to you that this is no accident. Heaven knew. This is more than an election it is down right spiritual warfare. Christians need to pray for God's will to be done. I am not telling you who to vote for, that is a God given constitutional right that you have. Neither am I saying that Barack Obama or Sarah Palin are practicing either of their faiths. That I truly don't know. However, I am laying out the facts of their childhood and teenage years. We are in a spiritual war.

Secondly, this election I believe is significant to the end times. Is Jesus coming back? YES!!! A thousand times yes. Might as well get ready. How is this election signifcant to this great and glorious event? Well the Bible clearly states in the last days there will be rumors of wars, famimines, pestilence, earthquakes, perscutions, many anti-christs and so on. We are seeing all of these right now. I do not want to brand any political figure, but at the same time I do want to pose a question; could Barack Obama be the fore-runner of/or the Anti-Christ of Revelations. Please hear me out. The man thinks of himself as a God. Did you see his speech at the Democratic convention? And the backdrop? It was something out of Greek Mythology. It has been called the "chosen-one," and "anointed one." I am telling you this election is critical if nothing else for this reason. We are in a spiritual battle that is pressing.

Thirdly, not only is this about the above, but I believe it poses a great Awakening for America. We must return to God. Could it be that all this transpiring to get people back on their knees, in prayer. We have drifted far away from God and the nation that our founding fathers desired. It is critical that we return to God. The Bible teaches us this "If my people which are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face, then will I hear from heaven and heal their land." This is a humbling moment and we must pray and seek God. That is the only way he will hear us. We must have revival in this country.

I submit to you tonight, this election is more than just politics. It more than the regular rapport that we see every four years. This is elections for the soul of a nation. Will you fight? Will you pray? Will you awake to what God has for you?

Until next time.....Keith


JShaw said...

Hey Keith! I just wanted to let you know that this was the most interesting blog that I have ever read! I have never really been into politics until this election. I have thought about the same things that you talked about, but you also pointed out some other stuff too. This is one of those things that will really make people think.

restored08 said...

Good Morning Keith,

I must confess that I am not even registered to vote. Ok before you pass out, I just simply never wanted to get caught up in all the lies the candidates say to gain your vote. However I feel the leading of the Holy Ghost to vote in this election. I feel it is time we as Christians stop accepting that our beliefs offend others and so we fade in the back ground. No we are a blessed nation and it's time we stand separated from others and speak up. For the Lord said "if you are ashamed of me, then I will be ashamed of you before my Father". Well I tell you we as Christians myself included need to lay aside petty things, and focus on praying for an uproar in revival among Christians that believe in Jesus, you know the only way, the truth, the light! During this election time, I have realized that I can't complain about what goes on in the world, if I'm not doing my small but important part to change it. Every Christian has a part to play, no matter if you feel your unworthy, remember Jesus always used the most unlikely to minister to a broken people.

Shirley Faye said...

Good Preaching!!!!

Unknown said...

Hey Keith! Good to see this. I pray you would send it to fox news, they will take note of it. The other networks will think you are a religious nut. Even some of our Christian friends will think you should have never said anything about "political" events. How much we need to remember why America is "one nation Under GOD, indivisible". However, Joe Biden says, "one nation indivisible". Seems he wants to leave under GOD out of our pledge.
Miss you, if you get close to JAX, FL come see us.

Anonymous said...

Hey Keith, I wrote a blog a couple months ago about "if my people..." This is confirmation.
This is a very important election year. Yes, I will pray. Yes, I will vote. The Lord gave me another scripture this week in Romans 13:11,"and that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than we believed." You may want to read through verse 14. This is powerful. God wants us to wake up, draw close to him, and reach out to others. Will we work and bring in the harvest? The Lord has brought it to my attention that I need to draw closer to him and learn how to be strong in HIM because the time is drawing closer and we need to be rooted and grounded so that we are not deceived. Amen.