Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Hetic Week.........

It has been a hetic week so far. Staying busy and well keeping busy. Tonight's youth service was good. Played some flag football and I score two touchdowns. One being an interception that Ashley Floyd knocked into my arms, I ran it all the way back. Go figure.

I am enjoying all that God is doing. Tomorrow is the national day of prayer and I am grateful that opportunity to pray with our countrymen. However, everyday should a day of prayer. So tomorrow, I will be at the courthouse, praying with other like minded people.

Friday I am heading out to Wilmington for Fun in the Son. Should be fun. Hetic, hetic and more hetic. That is part of ministry and especially in youth ministry. God is faithful and I am grateful for what He is doing.

Until tomorrow...................


Thursday, April 24, 2008

More thoughts...........

God is so faithful. I was able to bless our pastor's wife, her son and another member of my youth group with a great supper tonight. It was a joy and I love cooking. So it got me to thinking.... How often do we bless people?

To bless is really to be blessed. I enjoy doing it. I find giving and blessing to be a true blessing to all people and to myself.

Be blessed today.........


Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Yesterday was, well, a day of counseliing. I lost count how many people I talked to and ministered too. Not complaining at all it was great privelege and I am honored that people would call, text, email, im, and other forms of communication. Last night around 2am is when I finally finished up with the last person. It was all interesting.

It also left me thinking and praying a whole lot. Often times I wonder how many of us are where we need to be with God. Despite our participation in church functions. After preaching and praying Sunday night over people, I really began to feel that God wants more than LIP service, He wants our whole heart. How often do people just play church?

I have been in full time ministry of some sort for a number or years. Honestly, I can say, that I have seen people play church for years. Probably have done it myself. However, lately, all that matters to me is not a big ministry, great preaching, or any other thing of the sort, but to have a pure heart before God. My pastor, said something very similiar several weeks ago and it has resounded in my ears.

Church is great, but most just attend and leave Christ there. I can't do that. I am not perfect by any means. My share of faults are many, but one thing I never want to have is a dirty heart before God where all I do is play church. I want to have a pure heart before God. Matt 5:8

Until tomorrow -


Thursday, April 17, 2008

One of those weeks....

It seems life, at times, can be very busy. To busy at times. However, busyness can result, in a lot distractions. My life is hetic. Youth pastoring does that to you. It keeps you busy. Ballgames, honor nights, youth services, and host of other things. Not to mention I am working on yards and other things, camps are coming up, Operation In As Much is Saturday, just to name a few things. It is all good. In the end of it all it has been one of those weeks and when it is all said and done God will be glorified. That matters most and I am grateful that I am busy for Him.

Friday, April 11, 2008

What Really Counts!!!

You know I have time one my hands often. NOT! However, today was one of those rare moments when I had a few minutes to myself. My wife was shopping for music books(she is teaching piano), and I just did not want to go back into the store. So, I am sitting, in our honda, and I am just thinking. I know that is scary. Of the thousands of things I could be doing, at that moment, I was spending time with my wife. Though it was not something I care to do(Shopping is my least favorite thing). Spending time with God and with Lynda are my to favorite things to do. So what really counts when it is all said and done is spending time with them. Those two relationships matter most. My relationship with God first and my relationship with Lynda second. I am grateful that God has given me the time to do both. What really counts are those two relationships.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Flowers, Flowers, Flowers, and more Flowers

Well today I took Lynda out to buy some more flowers. Sprucing up the parsonage with flowers. I enjoy planting the flowers and working with Lynda, who, by the way, adores flowers. It gives us time to spend together and we both enjoy that. I enjoy Spring because it means new life. Flowers come alive, people seem to come alive, and it seems everything comes alive. I am grateful that God gives us this time to come alive with Him. I enjoy this time and I enjoy the time with HIM who gives us life.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Starting my blog

Well I am catching up with the times and starting a blog. Not many will remember it but it will be something good for me to do. Not like I am busy or anything. Should be fun. Check back often for updates and stuff.