Thursday, October 30, 2008

A prayer for Election!!!

This comes from my friend Steve Henry!!!

Christians we MUST pray like never before for our country in these last days before the election. We must humble ourselves in prayer, and allow God to heal our land. I've heard so many people, who are ticked off at both and have decided not to vote for either. It's the old Ross Perot argument. You know, I see these individuals are coming from, but we must realize that either Obama or McCain will be our next president and taking that stance is giving this election over.
I belive between now and this election that something will shift and change. I belive that it is not is not best for this country for Obama to be president. I belive that whatever this thing happens that shifts the tides will be so obvious that the Obama camp will not be able to come back from it. I'm believing the election won't be as close as everyone thinks.
PRAY, people like your country depends on it. PRAY that God's will would come forth in this nation. Pray for strength and health on McCain and Palin. Pray, because the future of this nation and the nation that you're children rests in this election. Pray that the decpetion that's been pulled over so many's eyes would be revelaed. For we declare that the eyes of the people would be opened.

Christians we must humble ourselves and pray.

Stephen J. Henry

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Just thinking out loud

It has been a while since I have posted, so I just wanted to catch up a bit.

The election is close. We need God's intervention in this election. Only a week and half before the election. We must see God move and I believe we will. Keep praying. God is listening.

We have already voted and it was a surprise. An Obama surpporter came to us offering democrate canidates choice. When we refused, politely with a "no thank you," he mumbled to the others there "more white racists." Now what little bit of hair I had stood up. We are not racist. Far from it. I have no problem voting for anyone of color or another ethnic group. However, I will not vote for a presidential canidiate who has the values of a snake. Obama has such a shady past and he will bring that into white house.

It is important McCain wins. I pray he does. Sarah Palin would be a the biggest blessing to be in the White House.


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A great link.........

Here is a link to the "Let Freedom Ring" website. This is a great site with great commercials that are accurate and true. Check it out.

Until next time....Keith

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Made Me Glad

I have been up praying and just cannot get this off my mind. God is such a powerful, forgiving, protecting, and merciful God. Watch this and be blessed as you are lost in His presence.

Until next time....Keith

Thursday, October 9, 2008

A video from Nation of Islam calling Obama - Messiah

This is scary. We must reach heaven, people, and ask God for his mercy in this election.

What else can we do..........

What else can we do.............this election for many is already over. They have claimed that Sen. Obama has already won. I believe Obama thinks he has already won. However, I submit to you that this election is not over. Though only a few weeks away, there are many who are wanting to see God move in this election.

The devil is mad as he can be. You have a muslim, and I really believe Obama is, and a pentecostal in Gov Palin running for offices. Though one is on the top of the ticket the other the bottom on opposite sides. As I have stated in earlier blogs, this is not just a match up electoral proportions. This is a spiritual war going on for the soul of a nation. Believe it or not your vote and prayers will make the differenct. We cannot afford to stand on the sidelines. Nor can we give up. We must fight. The book of Nehemiah states in chapter 4:14 that we are to "Fight for our wives, sons, daughters and homes." WE CANNOT STOP FIGHTING.

Our greatest weapon right now is a three-fold attack. Prayer, fasting and voting. Again, we must reach heaven. This is for the soul of this nation. Never has an American election been so important.

I do understand this, God is still God. No matter how it turns out God is still in control. In my spirit, I feel we must fight and win this.

Will you join me in praying for this.

Father we pray right now for this Election on Nov.4, 2008. We need your help. We confess that we have allowed our nation to slip into the hands of the enemy. We repent of this. We repent of the sins of our nation, abortion, laziness, greed, and all that we have done. We have sinned as a nation against You and we repent. God please have mercy on us.

Lord we come before you, humbling, submitting to your divine and perfect will. God draws as a nation back into your presence. Send us revival another great awakening. Come Holy Spirit and touch us again.

We know this election is critical and we need revival. Anoint this election, oh Lord, with your very hand. We pray for this election that you will put who you want into this office. God we are asking you to do it. Do not let this voter fraud or other fraudlent gimmicks work. We bind the hand the enemy in this election and release the hand of God to work. It is in your hands Lord and we believe you will work a miracle. Our country needs revival and we seek your face. We turn from our evil ways and we seek your face. Heal our land, In Jesus name. Amen

Until next time....Keith