Sunday, June 8, 2008

Weekend Thoughts

It has been a busy but great weekend. Lynda and I took our graduating seniors to Atlanta to see the Braves and Georgia Aquarium. The Braves game was HOT. It was awful hot. The Georgia Aquarium was incredible. If you ever get a chance to go you need too.

The services today were very good. Lynda and I lead worship tonight. It always a great honor to lead people into presence of God. What a great privelege it is to go into the presence God. God is so faithful to allow us to come into his presence and worship him.

Which brings me to the point for tonight........Why do we sing songs of victory and then turn around and sing songs that are depressing? Victory in Jesus is a powerful and moving song, yet most christians live far beneath it. However, we will get excited about singing stuff that is depressing. I know we serve a powerful God and we should live like He is powerful. Our God is faithful and true. So we need to rejoice and live in joy. I enjoy the presence of God. I know there are times we are going to have problems. Regardless of our situations we should rejoice. God is good. Choose joy. You will never regret it.

until next time..........Keith

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