Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I am sitting here in my recliner and I am relaxing. Personally, I thank God for that. There are many other things I could be doing, but it is late and I can sit and relax. Lights off, tv is going and I am typing away. Just relaxation.

I wonder how often people really relax. Tensions are high in most people's lives and they rarely truly relax. I can tell by just talking to some fo them. Everything is chaos for some. Somehow, in my spirit I just hear that we should "relax."

You see when you relax you really can hear from God. There is no pressure. It us who puts pressure on ourselves not God. With Him it is either yes or no. There is not usually a debate. We are the ones that war with what shall we do, or how can I handle this and so on. God wants us to relax. Enjoy life. Not everything has to be done at ligthening or microwaving speed. God likes to marinate things. Relax.

Until next time.... Keith

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