Thursday, May 29, 2008

When God is there............

Often times I have heard people say such things as "When God is not there....". However, we know through scripture that He is always there. So I thought I would just add a few things to help remind us what happens When God is there...

  1. Life Happens - John 10:10b
  2. Healing takes place - 2 Peter 2:24
  3. Love happens - Jer 31:3
  4. Peace happens - Phil 4
  5. Joy happens - Neh 8:10, Psalms 16:11

I enjoy the presence of God. I enjoy being engulfed in His presence. As David Baroni wrote several years ago "I Delight in You Lord, I Delight in Your Presence, There's nothing as sweet as to sit at your feet, nothing that I rather do, than delight myself in you"

What a powerful song.... Delight yourself in God today

Until next time.... Keith