Monday, June 16, 2008

Been a few days

It has been a few days since I last blogged. So I will try to catch up on my thoughts while not boring you to death. So here goes.......

What are we really missing? It seems of late, that often times we just miss something in our walk with Christ. I am not sure when it actually happens but it does. Seems there are dry spells so to speak. I am sure I am not the only one to have these times of "Where are you at God?" moments. This one just seems to come at the wrong time.

It is camp season and well I am involved in camp. Dean next week, evangelist the week after that. So now is a time I really need to be filled up. However, shouldn't I always be filled. God wants me too. However at the same time, how can God fill something that is already filled.

We all have to empty out ourselves and then be refilled. God will pour into you all that you need when you need it. You have what you need when you need it. Right now I need him and He is there. I guess being empty is not always bad when you know you are going to be filled with His presence.

I keep searching, praying, seeking, knocking, looking and I know i will find Him

Until next time..... Keith

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