Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Random Thoughts

It has been a few days since I have blogged. So need to do some catching up to do..........

It has been a full week and a full weekend coming up. Youth Service tonight was great. I taught on carrying baggage around. Loaded up the kids with suitcases and taught how we carry this stuff around and it will destroy them. It was a good lesson.

This weekend I will take my senior graduates to Atlanta to a Braves game and the Georgia Aquarium. We should have a great time. Looking forward to getting away myself.

This week also saw some tragic events. A 15 year old boy died. Not exactly sure how, many speculations, but none the less he is dead. At 15 years old and he is dead. It brings me back to an earlier blog, what am I really doing to reach these kids? I want to win them to the Lord. Impact their lives and help them realize their potential. God give me the grace and anointing to do it.

Until next time ...........Keith

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