Wednesday, September 24, 2008

More thoughts on this election

I hope not to bore you with the details of this election, but.............

It seems the tides are turning toward Obama. Yet, here we are at a crucial point in this election and dealing with the economy. Obama does not want to put politics aside and wants to debate. McCain however, suspends his campaign and goes to work on a plan to resolve this crisis.

My thoughts...we need leadership. McCain is showing it. Obama just talks. However, people listen to the rehtoric of Obama and keep singing his praises. I am not saying that Obama is the anti-christ, though, he could be, but the anti-christ will woo people with words and draw them in. Deception. And I believe that is what Obama's camp is about, deception. We are in a critical moment and satan is using one of his greatest devices, decption.

More people fall prey to it than ever. Decieved on every corner. Could it be that the enemy is trying to decieve good hearted people? I submit yes. Is McCain the answer, NO. Is Obama the answer, NO! Neither is Palin or Biden. Jesus Christ and all of His glory is the answer. We must return to him so that we are not decieved.

This election is critical as I said in anothe blog. The answer, Jesus Christ. We must have him. We must return to him with all of our heart.

Until next time.... Keith

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