Tuesday, September 30, 2008

This election is SCARY

UPDATE You Tube has since removed this video. You may find it on Fox News.

I am telling you this election is scary. Obama is convincing people he is "The One."

If you do not believe me, just watch this.

If Obama is elected you can start looking to the skies, cause Jesus will be returning.

Until next time............Keith

Monday, September 29, 2008

A Call to Prayer

The United States, land of free and home of the brave. This statement has been coined for many years and spread through out our land and the world. America The Beautiful, we have sang it many times. We cherish our country and we are no doubt very much proud of our country. It is with this that we feel to issue a Call to Prayer.

Last night I was up until 6:30am praying. It was one of those nights where everytime I tried to lay down the Lord would keep me awake with the unction to pray. Prayer is the key to so many things in our walk with Christ. It was a joy to pray.

This Call to Prayer that I felt last night puzzled me. I called out names, our country, and other situations I know of. As you well know I am definetly praying for this election. It is a critical election year.

Prayer can change things and situation. Prayer also changes us. So we pray. We keep praying. We pray until we can see the answer. Prayer must be central once again. I felt this call yesterday as our preacher preached. Then last night I could not sleep, praying.

So I call you to pray with me. Pray for this election. The economy. Souls. Anything you feel led to pray. But whatever you do pray. God is listening. We need to pray. The world is plummeting in a dire state and we need to pray.

Until next time....Keith

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

More thoughts on this election

I hope not to bore you with the details of this election, but.............

It seems the tides are turning toward Obama. Yet, here we are at a crucial point in this election and dealing with the economy. Obama does not want to put politics aside and wants to debate. McCain however, suspends his campaign and goes to work on a plan to resolve this crisis.

My thoughts...we need leadership. McCain is showing it. Obama just talks. However, people listen to the rehtoric of Obama and keep singing his praises. I am not saying that Obama is the anti-christ, though, he could be, but the anti-christ will woo people with words and draw them in. Deception. And I believe that is what Obama's camp is about, deception. We are in a critical moment and satan is using one of his greatest devices, decption.

More people fall prey to it than ever. Decieved on every corner. Could it be that the enemy is trying to decieve good hearted people? I submit yes. Is McCain the answer, NO. Is Obama the answer, NO! Neither is Palin or Biden. Jesus Christ and all of His glory is the answer. We must return to him so that we are not decieved.

This election is critical as I said in anothe blog. The answer, Jesus Christ. We must have him. We must return to him with all of our heart.

Until next time.... Keith

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Some thoughts......

God is so good and He has blessed us so much. I thought tonight I would share some of my sermon that I preached just a few hours ago. It was titled Power of His Love. The love of God is so amazing and we surely do not comprehend it all. I honestly believe that His love is beyond our comprehension.

The Bible says in 1 John 4 that God is love. He truly does love us with. More so than what we can think. God's love pours over us in so many ways. I thank God for his love. I thank Him that I can live in that love and my life is centered around His love for me. His love is not fearful but peaceful.

Love can change many things and people. It definetly changed me. For that, I am eternally grateful for the Love of God, that was displayed on a cross in Calvary. Love is amazing.

Until next time.........Keith

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Race Is On

The race is on. The race for the White House that is. It is an incredible time, of history, as we will elect either our first black president or first female vice president. I can say it is about time. However, there are many variables in this election. Some I would like to discuss here and more on the spiritual side.

First, we have a potential president who has studied in Islamic schools. Then we have a potential vice president who was raised in a pentecostal denomination. It is interesting to me that this is very real in this election. Several months ago, before Barack Obama was the nominated for the Democratice ticket and way before we knew Gov. Sarah Palin would be on the Republican ticket I made a comment at my church. That comment was this "Islam is growing rapidly, pentecostalism is growing rapidly and we are headed for a collision..." Little did I know that it would take place in this presidential election. I submit to you that this is no accident. Heaven knew. This is more than an election it is down right spiritual warfare. Christians need to pray for God's will to be done. I am not telling you who to vote for, that is a God given constitutional right that you have. Neither am I saying that Barack Obama or Sarah Palin are practicing either of their faiths. That I truly don't know. However, I am laying out the facts of their childhood and teenage years. We are in a spiritual war.

Secondly, this election I believe is significant to the end times. Is Jesus coming back? YES!!! A thousand times yes. Might as well get ready. How is this election signifcant to this great and glorious event? Well the Bible clearly states in the last days there will be rumors of wars, famimines, pestilence, earthquakes, perscutions, many anti-christs and so on. We are seeing all of these right now. I do not want to brand any political figure, but at the same time I do want to pose a question; could Barack Obama be the fore-runner of/or the Anti-Christ of Revelations. Please hear me out. The man thinks of himself as a God. Did you see his speech at the Democratic convention? And the backdrop? It was something out of Greek Mythology. It has been called the "chosen-one," and "anointed one." I am telling you this election is critical if nothing else for this reason. We are in a spiritual battle that is pressing.

Thirdly, not only is this about the above, but I believe it poses a great Awakening for America. We must return to God. Could it be that all this transpiring to get people back on their knees, in prayer. We have drifted far away from God and the nation that our founding fathers desired. It is critical that we return to God. The Bible teaches us this "If my people which are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face, then will I hear from heaven and heal their land." This is a humbling moment and we must pray and seek God. That is the only way he will hear us. We must have revival in this country.

I submit to you tonight, this election is more than just politics. It more than the regular rapport that we see every four years. This is elections for the soul of a nation. Will you fight? Will you pray? Will you awake to what God has for you?

Until next time.....Keith

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I am sitting here in my recliner and I am relaxing. Personally, I thank God for that. There are many other things I could be doing, but it is late and I can sit and relax. Lights off, tv is going and I am typing away. Just relaxation.

I wonder how often people really relax. Tensions are high in most people's lives and they rarely truly relax. I can tell by just talking to some fo them. Everything is chaos for some. Somehow, in my spirit I just hear that we should "relax."

You see when you relax you really can hear from God. There is no pressure. It us who puts pressure on ourselves not God. With Him it is either yes or no. There is not usually a debate. We are the ones that war with what shall we do, or how can I handle this and so on. God wants us to relax. Enjoy life. Not everything has to be done at ligthening or microwaving speed. God likes to marinate things. Relax.

Until next time.... Keith

Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Spiritual Battle Ahead....

I have been thinking alot lately about spiritual battle that we are all involved in. Everyone is involved in spiritual warfare whether we like it or not. Some are engaged and in the heat of the battle, and there are others who are disengaged. The fact remains that it is real.

However, the reason for this blog tonight though, is simply, there is a spiritual battle brewing for the very soul of this nation. We all know this already. America is in decline, morally, spiritually, finanically and politically. The truth is, we have been for years. With the upcoming presidential elections though I can feel the battle brewing. How it will turn out? That is a good question.

We have, for the first time ever, a woman on the presidential ticket of the Republicans. Also, for the first time, a black man on the democratic ticket. Both are historic. Governor Palin, of Alaska, has associations and a upbringing in a pentecostal denomination. Senator Barak Hussein Obama has associations with mulsims. Could this be a clash of spiritual war, more so than a clash of political parties? In a sense, I believe so.

America is in need of a great revival. Desperately in need one. The enemy has come in an, well taken over. Many in the church are spiritually asleep. We must have an awakening of the Spirit of God. I believe we are on the threshold of either a great revival or great misery. Our prayers and fasting will make the difference. In this presidential election, I believe, that we could see a turning of the tide if we pray and fast. This is not just politics as usual. The soul of a nation is at stake. We must fight. The battle is brewing.

I beg you to pray and fast for God to move in this election. Though some think it will work out, I am one to believe that if we do nothing, then it will not work out. We must rise to the occasion and pray for revival in this country. I believe it starts with this election.

Until next time.... Keith

Thursday, September 4, 2008

All in a days work!

Well it has been a few days since I have blogged. So let me catch up. I know you are excited about that.

  • My dad came up on vacation to see me. It was great. I haven't seen him since we left Georgia and it was great visit. We played some golf, did shopping at golf stores and talked about golf. As you can tell, my dad likes golf.
  • Church was great on Sunday morning and Sunday night. We are grateful how God is moving in the lives of people. God is so faithful and if you are hungry he will come.
  • Labor day cookout was great! We had around 45 people. Played some flag football and ate a whole lot.
  • Republican National Convention is going on and boy what a speech Palin gave last night. It was incredible. I sure pray they win.

Until next time.......Keith