Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Taking care of the wife

It has been a fun week so far. This past weekend I took 48 people including myself, to ski. God blessed. We did have two accidents though and that was not fun at all. One happens to be my wife. So for the last several days I have been talking care of her.

She always takes care of me, so I guess I am just returning the favor in a sense. Lynda keeps apologizing, but I tell, I signed up for this when I said "I do." Well that got me to thinking. SO many people don't do what they 'sign up for." Things happen in life, sickness come, disease sometimes hit, and sometimes your wife falls down a mountain while skiing. However, for better or worse, us husbands are suppose to be there. I enjoy taking care of her. I do it to honor her and protect her. Also, I am worried sick about her because the swelling has not gone down. Plus we cannot see the specialist until Thursday. However, there is a Great Physician and He has all power to heal. So I pray, and take care of Lynda. I pray some more and when I am done I pray again. God is always faithful and He will guide us through this time.

Until next time....Keith

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